- Gordon Gee: Put the skunk on the tableBy E. Gordon Gee As chief executive at five universities—with five different governing schemes and prevailing philosophies—I have learned one overriding truth about university governing boards: They love you until they ...Read more
- Belle Wheelan: Stay in your laneASHEVILLE – Proper governance of the University of North Carolina System is not a new issue. At a July 2017 meeting of the UNC Board of Governors in Asheville, Dr. Belle ...Read more
- Lou Bissette: Building a perfect Board of GovernorsBy Lou Bissette I am very proud of the UNC System. Our 17 institutions constitute the finest public university system in the nation. I have been fortunate to serve a combined ...Read more
- Hugh McColl: Give our universities room to workBy Hugh McColl States need certain ingredients to be great. They need globally competitive industries like biotech, international financial centers like Charlotte, and an arts and entertainment community that gives families ...Read more
- Burr and Bowles: Strengthening the UNC System for future generationsBy Richard Burr and Erskine Bowles The University of North Carolina (UNC) System’s 17 institutions have given generations of students a top-tier education. Our universities have achieved a standard of excellence ...Read more
- Thorp and Goldstein: Principles for governance reformBy Holden Thorp and Buck Goldstein Introduction: Universities falling short? We are honored to help introduce an ambitious series of articles on university governance and hopefully begin an important conversation that directly ...Read more
- Introduction: Universities falling short?By Holden Thorp and Buck Goldstein We are honored to help introduce an ambitious series of articles on university governance and hopefully begin an important conversation that directly impacts the future ...Read more
- Principles for reform of governing boardsBy Holden Thorp and Buck Goldstein Culture is always more important than structure. You can organize, rearrange, and re-engineer indefinitely, but if the underlying culture of an institution is inconsistent with ...Read more
- Principles of reform for university leadersBy Holden Thorp and Buck Goldstein The previous five principles are largely directed at university trustees, and the following are intended for consideration by campus leaders. Prioritize Board Education: Teaching a governing ...Read more
- Paul Fulton: A discussion of UNC System governanceBy PAUL FULTON Our universities have set this state apart. If we don’t pay attention to our universities’ future, then we’re not paying attention to our state’s future. They are one ...Read more