- Uphold the voucher vetoRALEIGH (October 4, 2024) – North Carolina legislators will soon be able to stop a massive expansion of private-school vouchers that would pose a drain on the state’s public schools. They ...Read more
- Help with Helene recoveryRALEIGH (October 4, 2024) – The destruction Hurricane Helene brought to Western North Carolina last week was unimaginable – in fact, we still don’t know the cost. And we don’t ...Read more
- Tom Oxholm: Strong K-12 public education is vital for businessRALEIGH (September 24, 2026) – Every business leader knows that our companies are only as good as our people. But too many of us think that because North Carolina’s community ...Read more
- Tribute to Paul Fulton on his 90th birthdayCHAPEL HILL (Where else? September 19, 2024) – A tribute to Paul Fulton to celebrate his 90th birthday and the 10th anniversary of Public Ed Works:Read more
- Stark differences between superintendent candidatesRALEIGH (September 18, 2024) – A debate Saturday between the candidates for North Carolina’s Superintendent of Public Instruction painted stark differences between Democrat Mo Green and Republican Michele Morrow. With little ...Read more
- The squandered promise of general educationBy Andrew J. Perrin and A.T. Panter CHAPEL HILL (September 18, 2024) –General Education. Distribution Requirements. Such standards – required by nearly every institution of higher learning and prescribed by most ...Read more
- Public dollars belong in public schoolsRALEIGH (September 13, 2024) – Public dollars belong in public schools. So in what perverse world is it OK to divert hundreds of millions of tax dollars to private schools while ...Read more
- Does everyone feel welcome at UNC schools?RALEIGH (September 13, 2024) – People go where they feel welcome. The question, after the UNC Board of Governors repealed the UNC System’s policy on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, is whether ...Read more
- Legislators can finish the jobRALEIGH (September 6, 2024) – When they return to Raleigh on Monday, state legislators have an opportunity – an opportunity to finish their job. Less than two months before Election Day ...Read more
- Wake superintendent: Looking forward and leveling up on teacher pay in North CarolinaDr. Robert P. Taylor Superintendent Wake County Public School System CARY (August 28, 2024) – The start of a new school year is always a time of excitement and promise. This year, as ...Read more