- Translating thought to words at UNCWWILMINGTON – We overflow with fascination about STEM fields these days. But UNC Wilmington hasn’t lost sight of an enduringly important skill: How to write a sentence. In the accompanying video, ...Read more
- An eventful 20162016 has been eventful for North Carolina’s public universities and community colleges – and for the Higher Education Works family of organizations. Here are some of the highlights… New leaders Margaret Spellings ...Read more
- UNC 2050: An educated populace critical to succeedWILMINGTON – By 2050, rapidly growing Southeastern North Carolina could have 600,000 people – and the state as a whole could have 15 million, Chancellor Jose “Zito” Sartarelli says. As demands ...Read more
- UNCW Faculty: Adequate salaries importantWILMINGTON – Great professors are the heart of an institution. But until this year, faculty at North Carolina’s public universities had received just one raise from the state legislature in ...Read more
- NCGAP – Still a flawed ideaRALEIGH – Once again, the John William Pope Center for Higher Education Policy is pushing a flawed idea – a deferred admission plan at state universities that legislators agreed to ...Read more
- Spellings: Expect the extraordinaryNorth Carolina State University Commencement | December 16, 2016 Margaret Spellings People are capable of extraordinary things when we expect it of them. That has been a guiding belief of my life ...Read more
- UNCW: Great students, great faculty, great programsWILMINGTON – Great students, great faculty, great programs – that’s what UNC Wilmington Chancellor Jose “Zito” Sartarelli says attracted him to Wilmington a year and a half ago. “We had great ...Read more
- … And what will make UNCW greater?WILMINGTON – The formula doesn’t change to make UNC Wilmington even greater. The university must continue to recruit quality students and professors and build innovative programs, Chancellor Jose “Zito” Sartarelli says ...Read more
- The open world of design at NC StateRALEIGH – It’s a field that touches us dozens of times a day – yet we seldom notice. “Design touches us in ways we might not even realize,” Dean Mark Hoversten ...Read more
- The creativity of engineeringRALEIGH – Engineering isn’t all mathematics and formulas – it also takes creative juices. Things we take for granted these days – smartphones, public water systems and even light sockets – ...Read more