- TOO much AP?CHAPEL HILL – The pressure on young people to gain admission to a highly selective university is enormous – some take as many as 22 Advanced Placement courses to improve ...Read more
- REVIEW: Disruption in the classroomStarving the Beast — Playing at the Rialto Theatre in Raleigh through Thursday, Oct. 6. By Eric Johnson Contributing Editor Many of the scenes in Starving the Beast will be familiar to North Carolinians. There’s ...Read more
- Dueling visions of academic freedomBy Eric Johnson Contributing Editor CHAPEL HILL (Sept. 26, 2016) – Dueling visions of academic freedom took stage at UNC Chapel Hill last week as Jay Schalin of the Pope Center for ...Read more
- Lindsay’s giftBy David Rice Higher Education Works Foundation RALEIGH (Sept. 28, 2016) – Last October 30, Kevin Howell knew something wasn’t right. He’d had several bouts of nausea. He’d noticed an annoying metallic ...Read more
- UNCC, UNCSA, UNCG employees recognized with Governor’s AwardsIn addition to the award for Lindsay Recchie from NC State University, employees at several other UNC system campuses were recognized Tuesday with the Governor’s Award for Excellence: Lebra Nance of ...Read more
- What makes Carolina great – and greater?CHAPEL HILL – What makes the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill great? “It’s just a joyful place,” Chancellor Carol Folt says in the accompanying video. “When the students are ...Read more
- Not just getting in, but getting out – with a degreeNorth Carolinians have long insisted that access and affordability are essential to higher education in our state. That’s true, but increasingly, completion is just as important – not just getting ...Read more
- REVIEW: Real reform will take real investmentMatching Students to Opportunity: Expanding College Choice, Access, & Quality Edited by Andrew P. Kelly, Jessica S. Howell, and Carolyn Sattin-Bajaj Harvard Education Press, 2016. By Eric Johnson Contributing Editor Our country leaves a lot ...Read more
- UNC-CH financial aid “the heart of who we are”CHAPEL HILL – Access and affordability are hallmarks at UNC Chapel Hill – so much so that Chancellor Carol Folt refers to them as “part of our DNA.”1 “We do make ...Read more
- A Covenant with low-income studentsCHAPEL HILL – More than a decade ago, UNC-Chapel Hill was the first public university in America to guarantee low-income students they could graduate with no debt. “The Carolina Covenant is ...Read more